BBG Shows, Updates & Press


06.25.12 The Brian Boggess Group on WSIA 88.9 FM Staten Island

I would like to thank Ms. Melinda, Jack and Liz at WSIA 88.9 FM Staten Island for spinning “Indigo” and “Mistress Anya Knees” from The Brian Boggess Group’s Debut EP, the first radio station to spin The BBG in New York City, and so clearly the best station in New York City.
Qui habet aures audiendi audiat.

06.11.12 BBG on KEOL 91.7 FM La Grande, Oregon

Thanks to Jeni Kaybee & KEOL 91.7 FM La Grande, Oregon for
spinning our Debut EP. Hi Jeni! To answer your question, we would
love to put a full-length vinyl out!